Product Evaluations and Studies

Get the facts on how Tranquility can benefit your organization.

Skin Outcomes Product Evaluation

Switching to Tranquility resulted in noticeable improvements for resident skin health and pressure injuries.

Exposure Time Reduction Project

Tranquility products raised staff satisfaction while enhancing care for the Veterans they served.

Skin Health Improvement Project

This Tranquility trial led to improvements in skin health, reduced odor, better sleep and decreased caregiver burden.

Savings Management Project

Tranquility superabsorbent products improve overall patient care and staff experience.

Improving Clinical Outcomes and Reducing Organizational Costs

Tranquility provides clinical and financial benefits to your facility.

Multi-Facility Report

Four VA facilities and two long-term care communities trialed Tranquility Products and realized great results.

Improving Resident Outcomes and Staff Satisfaction

A pair of Texas LTC communities saw reductions in IAD wounds, UTIs and falls, while reducing changes and product usage, with Tranquility.

In Their Own Words – Midwestern LTC

Caregiving professionals at three Midwestern LTC communities share insights on how Tranquility helped provide better outcomes and gave the staff peace of mind.

In Their Own Words – North Carolina VA

Caregiving professionals at a North Carolina VA community saw a dramatic reduction in incontinence-acquired dermatitis after using Tranquility products.

Reduced Staff Burden and Product Utilization Project

A Midwest VA facility product evaluation demonstrated that using Tranquility® Briefs decreases product, linen and clothing changes, providing better sleep for Veterans and reducing strain on the staff.

Reduced Product Utilization Project

A VA facility in Michigan conducted an independent two-week product evaluation for the purpose of capturing evidence that using Tranquility Briefs would reduce product utilization.

Caregiving Professionals Incontinence Survey

Vast majority of nearly 600 nurses/aides agree that absorbent product performance “heavily influences” patient wellbeing and “impacts the ease and efficiency of their jobs.”

Hidden Costs of Incontinence Care

Incontinence care can be expensive. Product costs are just the tip of the iceberg.

Clinically Tested for Sleep

Tranquility products have been put to the test to demonstrate how they can help extend sleep times and improve quality of life for wearers.

Tell Us Your Clinical Story

Have you trusted Tranquility to successfully manage your facility’s incontinence care needs? Do you wish to help others experience better clinical outcomes, the same way that you have?

Provide a few details of your success story below, and help thousands of people who are caring for those with incontinence, by letting them know there are better product options available.

All names are kept confidential. Only first name and state are used if you allow your story to be published. PBE does not sell, rent or trade data with others.