Tamera Weeks, vlogger (video blogger) and mother to a daughter with cerebral palsy, has been using Tranquility Products for years. In a recent YouTube video, she shows her followers Tranquility’s new streamlined packaging and explains how her family receives our products under insurance coverage.
Keeping a constant stock of quality incontinence supplies can be a challenge for a family on a budget. Even if your primary insurance provider does not cover the products, a secondary insurance provider might:
- Medicaid covers the full cost of incontinence supplies in most states. However, benefits and requirements differ from state to state. Tamera’s family receives Tranquility Products under Medicaid coverage.
- Some Medicare Advantage (Part C) plans offer enhanced benefit options for products and services not covered by Medicare Parts A and B. These plans may lower the costs of receiving medical supplies or give you extra benefits for an additional monthly fee.
Tamera’s picks
Tamera uses the Tranquility Slimline® Original Disposable Briefs as the main diaper, then adds Tranquility TopLiner® Booster Contours Pads inside the briefs. She notes that if there is only a little wetness, the liner makes for quicker and simpler changing both for the caregiver and the person receiving care.
To find out more information about Tamera and her story, you can visit her YouTube channel or Facebook page.
State Medicaid & CHIP Profiles – https://www.medicaid.gov/medicaid/by-state/by-state.html
Does Medicare Cover Adult Diapers? – http://www.parentgiving.com/elder-care/incontinence-supplies-covered-by-medicare/