The Comfortable Choice for Adult Diapers

Measuring Tape

Measuring TapeAdult Diaper Fit

Tranquility customers compliment us on the sizing and fit of our briefs and underwear. An optimal fit is essential to the wearer’s comfort. Tranquility Products features sizes to accommodate all bodies:

In addition to waistband girth, amount of material coverage is also crucial to a good fit. A higher rise around the waist and Kufguards® around the legs prevent leaks. Moreover, customers tell us repeatedly that Tranquility’s adult diapers are not bulky, so wearers can use them subtly and feel confident attending social events.

Adult Diaper Feel

Just like standard undergarments, the touch of an adult diaper should be pleasant or unnoticeable. Tranquility Products are made of soft materials, contrasted with the plastic-like feel that competitors have. Thanks to Tranquility’s patented Peach Mat Construction, a unique blend of fast-acting and extra-absorbent polymers, the skin stays dry, which prevents chafing and other skin irritation. A customer who uses the Tranquility SlimLine® Original Disposable Brief wrote in, “I don’t even know that I am wearing them.”

Browse our products or use our Product Finder to find the style that will best meet your needs. Also read our best overnight adult diapers list.

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